Thursday, May 31, 2012


I have been told that writing shit down is very therapeutic.  That's why I do this.  

This is a new home for my previous blog; I am working on moving the archives of the old one over here.  If you ever commented on the the old blog, that is why you (should have) already received an e-mail invitation to follow me here.

For those of you who are new, let me tell you a little bit about who I am.  I am a musician, a part-time father, a filthy liberal scumbag, an agnostic, and pretty often a contradiction.  

I don't reveal my real name ("dude", "man", "bro", and "you douchebag" are all acceptable), or my location, etc.

I love meeting interesting people and talking about random shit.

I can't promise you that you'll find this blog interesting, but you WILL find a ton of swearing.  A fuck-ton of swearing, actually.

I think that strangers are very cool people.

I am in my mid-30's, and already twice divorced.  My first wife was extremely emotionally, verbally, and (unfortunately) physically abusive.  My second wife was a rebound marriage.

Deadspin and Wikipedia are the two best websites of all time, IMO.

I enjoy skiing, music (the playing of & the listening to of), cooking, my kids, my pets, and being an insomniac.  

I have met some very cool people by picking them up while they were hitchhiking.  

I use a Mac.  

I love listening to music, and I have very eclectic taste.  Often, I will post songs that relate to the topic at hand -- or sometimes I will just post a song for you to check out.  Please feel more than free to share songs/bands that you think I will like.  The more obscure, the better.

I do my best to not argue (or even discuss) politics with close friends/family, but when I hear negative statements about LGBT rights, I do not back down.  Fuck that.  That's my hot-button issue, and I will argue it all day long -- with anybody.  There is a very specific reason for that, and I will tell you all about that soon.

I suck at sports, but I enjoy Gatorade.

If you happen to stumble upon this blog on your own, welcome.  I will do my best to be interesting. Like I said above, I will often simply post songs that fit my mood, or random non-sequiturs.  

Peace.  Namaste.  A salaam aleckem.

THIS, right below, is a great song.  

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