This is probably going to veer off course a few times, and will probably be pretty long as well. Buckle in, kids.
I had dream about 6 or 7 months ago, right before I relocated. I was playing basketball in front of a pretty large crowd. It was pretty late in the game, and I had a perfectly clear, wide-open shot at the basket. Guarded by nobody, I paused for a few nanoseconds and gracefully threw a perfectly arced jumper. Beautiful shot. It was going in, man. Nothin' but net...
Then, a defender from the other team appeared out of nowhere and smacked it down. I turned toward him in surprise, but that surprise turned to astonishment when I took a look at his face.
It was me.
I blocked my own shot.
Pretty fucking symbolic, right? I immediately thought so. I chewed on this dream on the way to work that morning. What’s really going here when I’m not on this basketball court in dreamland, but rather moving forward through my own real life? What's with the blocked shot; was I getting in my own way -- too deep inside my own head?
I started out by taking inventory. I was existing (not living, merely existing) in a marriage devoid of most of the key ingredients: love, mutual admiration, respect, affection. I was working at a job that I had grown resentful of. I was living in a town that -- albeit quaint -- was never going to feel like home to me. I hadn’t picked up a pair of drumsticks in years.
A few weeks later, I was gone.
Naturally, I was accused of “bolting” and “running away”, but that’s not how I saw it. A reboot. Not necessarily a re-START, because there were people and places and kittycats and other things that I wanted to keep in my life. Just a reboot.
As for right now? I couldn’t be happier. I am truly at the happiest, most peaceful point in my adult life. There have been rough moments since the reboot, and there are probably a bunch more of those to come, but I stand by my decision. It was mine, and mine alone. Nobody decided this for me, or even with me. There are a couple of lines from “Time Stand Still” by Rush that come to mind...
I’m not looking back; I want to look around me now,
At some more of the people and the places that surround me now.
In the last six months, I have done a lot of “looking around me,” and I have made a conscious effort to “surround me” with people that I love, care about, and reside on the same wavelength as. And it’s great. I am playing music with great friends, and the epic fucking importance of that cannot be understated. Performing musically is something that I’ll never allow myself to walk away from again. There’s something else I’m doing that is equally important. But I never truly realized the importance of this "something" until now.
Call it self-reflection, introspection, rumination, or whatever. Equally important by any name. I have begun studying myself. And I have learned more about me in the last six months than I ever had before. By learning these things, I feel really well equipped to deal with setbacks and fuckups. I feel much more able to enjoy the good things and to control my anxieties and my hang-ups I have finally learned how to let things go. I am in the driver’s seat for the first time in my grown-up life. But I do love having passengers. And right now, I have some really fucking cool passengers riding with me.
Speaking of passengers, I picked up a metaphorical hitchhiker recently. Someone I’ve know OF for a long time, but I never really had a chance to GET to know her. For the purposes of this blog, we’ll call her Sarah (mostly because that’s her name).
Sarah and I had been developing an electronic friendship for a few years now. Usually just a few sentences at a time, but we were fairly routine & regular about checking in with each other. Most of the time it was just a quick recap of our day-to-day lives, jobs, pets, relationships, kids/stepkids -- stuff like that. I enjoyed hearing from her. Each and every time. I didn’t know her well in real life, but I could see from the wording of her e-mails/messages/texts that she was a good person. Sense of humor, love of music, ultra-liberal (much like this blogger), empathy for others... all of these were readily apparent. Plus, she is absolutely gorgeous. Incredibly so. The most in-fucking-credible killer body I have ever seen. That is not an exaggeration. If I were to design a girl in a genetic engineering lab (which I have not had to do yet, but not ruling it out), she has every physical characteristic I would check off on the order form. I will refrain from getting overtly graphic here, but trust me. Every. Single. One.
As you might be imagining by now, I quickly started to develop a crush. Even as an unhappily married man, I kept it in check. We were both involved with other people, and I respected that. But she started crossing my mind more and more. Little flutters in the heart every time I saw a new message from her waiting for me.
She reached out for support during a recent breakup, and I did my best to let her know that she had a friend in me that she could confide in and look to for support. She was going through some real tough shit, and I felt awful thinking of her hurting like that. Subsequent conversations led to us casually talking about grabbing a drink or a cup of coffee, and chatting in person someday.
This casual meeting finally came to fruition on a rainy Friday afternoon on the terminal day of August. And it was nice to catch up. Fantastically fantastic to see her in person, to give her a hug, to talk face to face. We were joined by a third, which kept the flirting in check (it did not, however, keep me from picturing her all sorts of nekkid).
Our coffee date lasted a few hours, and we did not leave the restaurant without making plans to hear a band (roughly halfway between our current geographical coordinates) the following Wednesday evening. I tried to act all sorts of casual whilst making these plans, but my head was spinning. Me. And Sarah. In a bar. At night. Do I have a shot at making this something more? Sure, I want to. But should I?
Wednesday night came, and we confirmed plans. I eschewed the Giants’ season opener (not a tough choice) and drove to meet her. As I was close to arriving at the bar, she made a casual Bukowski reference in a text. Impressive, right? Well, I liked it.
Hellos. Hugs. Draft beers. Jazz. Laughing. Stories. Smiles. The occasional gentlemanly kiss planted on her beautiful, soft, alabaster hand. The night ended too quickly, and I soon realized that I hadn’t even contemplated my goodnight strategy. Another hug? Mutual peck on the cheek?
I’m glad I didn’t overthink it -- or even think about it at all. I ignored my fear of rejection and I grabbed her and kissed her. Not a little smooch. I kissed this girl like we were on a fucking plane and it was about to crash into the fucking ocean. The culmination of a few years of texting, Facebooking, etc. boiled down to what I would easily classify as the best first kiss of my life. More kissing followed. Goodnight, Sarah. Would love to see you soon.
Got a text the next day. Two words: “I’m smitten.” So am I, Sarah. So. Am. I.
We let it develop a bit. As I mentioned, we are physically two hours apart, but lots of texting, talking, and Skype dates. Saw each other when we could. When we couldn’t (which was most of the time)... well, I’ll just say she became the leading lady in my spank bank.
As long as I’m making crude sexual references, I am going to go ahead and quickly make this point. This young lady and I have a very strong sexual chemistry. I mean, this shit is magnetic. I have always been very, very shy sexually, but that shyness is just flat-out missing here. I won’t go into detail, but I just cannot keep from kissing her -- among other things. An amazing attraction that I have never experienced before in my pathetic sex life.
Ok, back to the story (I know you’re all hanging on every word). Things sound great, right?
As of last night, it’s over.
I never thought that "breaking up" after TEN DAYS of long-distance dating could hurt, but I was initially pretty devastated. We were both visibly emotional. She was upset enough that I could tell it was really hurting her, too. And I hated to see that. I hate to picture someone who (whom?) I care about sad for any reason -- especially this someone. But she was wonderfully gentle about it, which just made me respect/admire her more. She didn’t lead me on by dragging it out. She didn’t just decrease the frequency of contact and leave me hanging not knowing what the fuck is going on. I appreciate that, and I think I made that clear to her. The conversation ended on a happy, peaceful note, and we’ve been in contact on and off all throughout today.
Naturally, not much sleep last night. Not necessarily sadness (though of course there’s SOME sadness), but lots more of that rumination I mentioned earlier.
What could I have done differently?
I’m a romantic, and I am physically/verbally affectionate. I’m ultra-emotional. I wear my heart on my sleeve. Shit, BOTH sleeves sometimes. I love to shower my friends (whether male or female, platonic or intimate/sexual) with affection, praise, and genuine compliments. I try to be as selfless as I can with people that I care about.
And I had finally found a girl who I felt truly deserved those things. (You may or may not remember that my track record with the ladies has not been so good). Expressive is the way I wanted to be with her, and I sure as hell was.
What happened? What did I do? Did I dote over her too much? Did I come on too strongly? Too much too fast? Did I try to spoil her too soon? Was I too lovey-dovey and googly eyed? Did I push too aggressively to join her in bed (not in a sexual way, but in a snuggly/spoony way)?
I’m probably guilty -- to a certain extent -- of every one of those.
But you know what? I don’t think that’s what caused it. I really don’t. So, for once, I’m not beating myself up and constantly thinking “DAMNIT! Where did I go wrong?” I really don’t think it had anything to do with me or my actions.
I think it boils down to the fact that she saw where this was going -- or at the very least where it had the potential to be going -- and just felt she wasn’t ready for this. Not just not ready to be with me, but not ready to be in a relationship, period. Not ready to be someone’s girlfriend. How could I fault someone for that? How could anyone find any fault in that?
I’m not sad. And that ain't a case of denial; I'm just really, truly not sad.
And that's not just because I’m not at fault.
Let me explain.
I would venture a guess that a very large percentage of breakups end with the breaker-upper saying “I reeeeally want to still be friends?” Shit, I’ve said it. Do you think that people really mean that when they say it? I would bet that they very often don’t.
Well, Sarah said it last night (she didn't actually stretch out the "e"s in "really". That's lame). Because she was so emphatic about it (and also because I know that she is such a sincere & honest person), I could tell that she honestly & truly meant it.
And that is why I am not sad, my friends. That is why.
Because the friendship aspect of my very short-lived period of dating Sarah has been super ultra wicked mega fucking amazing. (Anyone catch that Gigolo Aunts reference? I knew you would, you adorable little indie hipster kids, you). She’s an amazingly good listener, and there are times when I really, really need that. The fact that she is so trustworthy and non-judgmental makes me feel like I could -- and can, and will -- tell her anything. Our mutual interest in music -- both being spectators and participants -- is awesome.
(I don’t know if any of you have experienced this, but when you’re around somebody that truly loves the same music as you, it’s almost like sharing a secret language with them. Does that make any sense?)
Those are a few of Sarah’s qualities that makes her such an amazing friend. There are more. And I’m sure that there are some I haven’t learned yet. Shit, I hope there are. I am looking forward to getting to know her better -- and that’s mutual. I'm sure of it.
So yeah, it sucks to lose the romantic aspect of our relationship, but it would be such a kick in the balls to lose her as a friend.
As I mentioned above, I didn’t get a ton of sleep last night. Season premiere of SNL (which I thought was awesome, BTW). Lots of thinking, lots of scribbling down notes for the blog. But when I fell asleep, I had a great dream.
I don’t usually have recurring dreams, but there are a few that creep in from time to time. One of the themes that comes up often in my dreams is college. It's always early in the semester, a beautiful fall day back at the house with my fraternity brothers. And it’s always SO vivid -- I can actually smell the smells (a unique mix of stale beer and regret) of that disgusting-yet-lovable house, I can feel the leaves crunching under my feet as I stroll across campus, I can sense the youthful, eager freshman enthusiasm of all the first-year students around me.
Last night, I had one of those ultra-vividly realistic college dreams. It was the first day of classes, absolutely perfect outside. A little breezy. I went from lecture hall to lecture hall, talked to friends old and new, ate shitty dining hall food, and played pool in the student lounge. Mundane, but fun -- because college was one of the best times of my life. I enjoyed every second of it, and I clearly still enjoy revisiting it during REM sleep.
So it basically seems that this was no different from my usual dreams about being back at school, amirite?
No. This one was different.
Sarah was there with me.
In real life, this makes no sense. We didn’t go to college together -- not even in the same state. But in my dream, it was a perfectly normal thing. She was supposed to be there. She belonged there. Nobody was surprised, nobody viewed her as a stranger.
In the dream, after classes we walked home together -- but not to my fraternity house. We had our own place, right off campus. It was small but neat, plain but cute. We plopped down on our couch and watched TV. I had my arm around her, and her head was resting on my left shoulder. We were comfortable. I was smiling.
And then I woke up -- smiling for real.
Is there symbolism here? Certainly nothing as obvious as me blocking my own jump shot in a fucking basketball game. And one of the reasons I decided to blog so long-windedly about this was to try to find out what this dream symbolized. (I had a journalism/creative writing professor who always said “Don’t just sit there and think about the answer; keep writing until you’ve written your way to the answer.” I didn’t think that made any sense when I was 19; now, in my mid-30s, it makes a SHITLOAD of sense. I do it often).
And I think I have written my way to my answer here. If you’re still reading, feel free leave a comment if you agree/disagree.
College was a happy time & place in my life. When those days of yore creep into my dreams, it reminds me that I am currently in a very happy place in my adult (real) life. No, things aren’t perfect, but they’re a hell of a lot better than they were. Always improving. The small things don’t get to me like they used to. And the big picture is looking better every day.
In my dream, I was spending time with a good friend that I care about, and who cares about me. That makes me happy. My friend Sarah was part of my crowd of people that I cared about. She fit right in. In real life, same thing -- I have this "new" friend who I am truly enjoying getting to know better. Not so much symbolic there as representative -- straightforwardly representative. No matter what it was, I would dream of her every night if I could. It was pleasant.
Maybe there’s more to it than that. I don’t know. Thoughts? Please?
I think it’s time to wrap this up. That was probably boring as hell to most people, but if you read -- or even skimmed it -- thank you.
As I already mentioned, the day after Sarah and I had our first kiss, she told me that she was smitten. I was too. And I still am -- more than likely, I probably always will be to some extent. But in a different way now -- a way that is better for both of us. I don’t think that there’s anything wrong with having/showing affection for your friends -- same or opposite gender. She’s a wonderful person with a beautiful soul, and I am so happy to have her as a unique friend. She’s lovely, inside and out.
My goal: to someday look her in the eye, and truthfully say “I love you” and mean it in a non-romantic (but deeply friendly & amiable) way.
Peace and love as always,
The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot.
Great song about being lost and finding yourself in a different (better) place/different (better) frame of mind -- no matter what it takes, you can find yourself in a better place, often with a different cast of characters. Metaphorical for my reboot, I think.
Great lyric from said song:
"I met a girl who kept tattoos for homes that she had loved
If I were her, I would paint my body until all my skin was gone."
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